Third Book of the rules applicable to the municipalities - Law 2019/024 of 24 Dec 2019 on the General Code of Decentralized Territorial Communities


ARTICLE 147 - The Commune is the basic Territorial Community. Its general mission is local development and the improvement of the living environment and conditions of its inhabitants.

- (1) A Commune is created by decree of the President of the Republic, who determines its name, territorial jurisdiction and capital.

(2) The President of the Republic may, by decree, modify the name, geographical boundaries and administrative centre of the Commune.

(3) He may also, by decree, abolish a Commune. The decree pronouncing the suppression shall decide on its attachment to one or more Communes.

ARTICLE 149 - (1) Acts modifying the territorial boundaries of one or more Communes shall set out the terms and conditions thereof, in particular those relating to the devolution of property.

(2) The acts referred to in paragraph 1 above shall also lay down the conditions of attribution, either to the Commune or Communes to which it is attached, or to the State:
• land or buildings forming part of the public domain;
• private property ;
• gifts with charges made in favour of the suppressed commune.

ARTICLE 150 - (1) In addition to its own resources, the Commune may seek assistance from the State, the population, civil society organisations, other Local Authorities and international partners, in accordance with current legislation and regulations.

(2) Recourse to the assistance referred to in paragraph 1 above is decided by deliberation of the Municipal Council concerned, in the light of the relevant draft agreement.

ARTICLE 151 - (1) The President of the Republic may, by decree, decide on the temporary grouping together of certain Communes, on the proposal of the Minister responsible for local authorities.

(2) The temporary grouping of Communes may result from :

a. an identical draft agreement adopted by deliberation by each of the Municipal Councils concerned. This draft agreement enters into force in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 1 above;

b. an amalgamation plan drawn up by the Minister responsible for local authorities. In this case, the draft agreement may, if necessary, be submitted to the Municipal Councils concerned for ratification.

(3) The decree ordering the temporary grouping of Communes shall specify the terms and conditions thereof.

ARTICLE 152 - (1) Property belonging to a Commune that has been attached to another Commune or to a portion of a Commune that has become a separate Commune becomes the property of the Commune to which it has been attached or of the new Commune.

(2) The decree attaching or splitting Communes shall determine all other procedures, including the devolution of property.

ARTICLE 153 - In the event of a Commune being attached or split up, the decree of the President of the Republic is issued after obtaining the opinion of a commission, the composition of which is determined by order of the representative of the State, on the distribution between the State and the Commune to which the Commune is attached, of all the rights and obligations of the Commune or portion of Commune concerned. The commission includes representatives of the deliberative bodies of the Communes concerned.

ARTICLE 154 - In the event of an amalgamation of Communes, the Councils and Municipal Executives of the Communes concerned shall remain in office until the expiry of their term of office.

ARTICLE 155 - Certain urban areas may be granted special status, in accordance with the provisions of this Act.




ARTICLE 156 - The following powers are transferred to the Communes:
  • • promoting agricultural, pastoral, craft and fish farming production activities of communal interest;
  • • developing and managing local tourist sites;
  • • building, equipping, managing and maintaining markets, bus stations and abattoirs;
  • • organising local trade fairs;
  • • support for micro-projects that generate income and jobs;
  • • the exploitation of non-concessible mineral substances.


ARTICLE 157 - The following powers are transferred to the Communes:
  • • drinking water supply ;
  • • Cleaning of municipal streets, paths and public spaces;
  • • monitoring and controlling the management of industrial waste;
  • • reforestation operations and the creation of communal woods ;
  • • combating unhealthy conditions, pollution and nuisance;
  • • protection of ground and surface water resources ;
  • • drawing up local environmental action plans;
  • • drawing up and implementing specific municipal plans for risk prevention and emergency response in the event of disasters;
  • • the creation, maintenance and management of green spaces, parks and gardens of municipal interest;
pre-collection and local management of household waste.


ARTICLE 158 - The following powers are transferred to the Communes:
  • • the creation and development of urban public spaces;
  • • drawing up and implementing municipal investment plans;
  • • the signing, in association with the State or the Region, of planning contracts to achieve development objectives;
  • • drawing up land use plans, town planning documents, joint development schemes, urban renewal schemes and land consolidation schemes;
  • • the organisation and management of urban public transport;
  • • development projects ;
  • • issuing planning certificates, subdivision permits, planning permission, building permits and demolition permits;
  • • the creation and maintenance of municipal roads and related works;
  • • development and servicing of living areas;
  • • street lighting ;
  • • Addressing and naming streets, squares and public buildings;
  • • the creation and maintenance of unclassified rural roads and crossing ferries;
  • • the creation of industrial estates;
  • • contributing to the electrification of needy areas;
  • • authorisation for temporary occupation and various works on the public highway.

ARTICLE 159 - Each Municipal Council gives its opinion on draft regional development plans before they are approved, in accordance with the conditions laid down by regulation.



ARTICLE 160 - The following powers are transferred to the Communes:

a. in matters of health and population :
  • • civil status ;
  • • creating, equipping, managing and maintaining health centres of municipal interest, in accordance with the Health Map;
  • • recruitment and management of nursing and paramedical staff at integrated health centres and district medical centres;
  • • assistance to health and social facilities;
  • • health inspections in establishments manufacturing, packaging, storing or distributing food products, as well as facilities treating solid and liquid waste produced by private individuals or companies.

b. social action :
  • • participation in the maintenance and management, where necessary, of social promotion and reintegration centres;
  • • the creation, maintenance and management of public cemeteries;
  • • organising and managing relief for the needy.



ARTICLE 161 - The following powers are transferred to the Communes:

a. education :
  • • the creation, in accordance with the school map, management, equipment, upkeep and maintenance of the Commune's nursery and primary schools and pre-school establishments;
  • • recruitment and management of teaching and support staff for these schools;
  • • the purchase of school equipment and supplies;
  • • participation in the management and administration of state and regional secondary schools through dialogue and consultation structures

b. literacy :
  • • implementing plans to eradicate illiteracy, in conjunction with the regional administration;
  • • helping to build and maintain educational infrastructure and facilities.

c. technical and vocational training :
  • • drawing up a local training and retraining plan ;
  • • drawing up a local plan for professional integration or reintegration ;
  • • helping to set up, maintain and administer training centres.


ARTICLE 162 - The following powers are transferred to the Communes:
  • • promoting and organising sports and youth activities;
  • • support for sports associations ;
  • • the creation and management of municipal stadiums, sports centres and courses, swimming pools, playgrounds and arenas;
  • • identifying and helping to equip sports associations;
  • • participation in the organisation of competitions;
  • • the creation and operation of leisure parks;
  • • organising socio-cultural events for leisure purposes.


ARTICLE 163 - The following powers are transferred to the Communes:

a. with regard to culture :
  • • organising local cultural days, traditional cultural events and literary and artistic competitions;
  • • the creation and management at local level of orchestras, traditional lyrical ensembles, corps and ballets and theatre groups;
  • • the creation and management of socio-cultural centres and public reading libraries;
  • support for cultural associations.

b. promoting national languages:
  • • participation in regional programmes to promote national languages;
  • • helping to build and maintain infrastructure and equipment.


ARTICLE 164 - (1) The organs of the Commune are :
  • • the Town Council;
  • • the Communal Executive.

(2) The Municipal Council, by its deliberations, and the Communal Executive, by the acts it takes, by the investigation of matters and the execution of its deliberations, contribute to the administration of the Commune.



ARTICLE 165 - The Municipal Council is made up of Municipal Councillors elected in accordance with the procedures laid down by law.

ARTICLE 166 - (1) The number of Municipal Councillors is set as follows:
  • • less than fifty thousand (50,000) inhabitants: twenty-five (25) Councillors;
  • • from fifty thousand (50,000) to one hundred thousand (100,000) inhabitants: thirty-one (31) Councillors ;
  • • from one hundred thousand one (100,001) to two hundred thousand (200,000) inhabitants: thirty-five (35) Councillors;
  • • from two hundred thousand and one (200,001) to three hundred thousand (300,000) inhabitants: forty-one (41) Councillors ;
  • • more than three hundred thousand (300,000) inhabitants: sixty-one (61) Councillors.

(2) The official population census immediately preceding the municipal elections serves as the basis for determining, by regulation, the number of Municipal Councillors per Commune, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 above.

(3) The Municipal Council must reflect the various sociological components of the Commune. In particular, it must ensure representation of the Commune's indigenous populations, minorities and gender:

(4) Senators from the Commune to which the Commune belongs may attend the work of the Municipal Council in an advisory capacity.


ARTICLE 167 - (1) The Municipal Council is the deliberative body of the Commune.

(2) It regulates the affairs of the Commune through its deliberations.

(3) It gives its opinion whenever required by laws and regulations or at the request of the representative of the State.

(4) It may formulate resolutions on all matters of local interest, particularly those concerning the Commune's economic and social development.

(5) It is kept informed of the progress of works and initiatives financed by the Commune or carried out with its participation.

(6) It must be consulted on the implementation, on the territory of the
Commune, of any development or equipment project by the State, the Region, any other local authority or any public or private body.

ARTICLE 168 - The Municipal Council deliberates, in particular, on :
  • • urban planning documents ;
  • • municipal economic, social and cultural development plans and programmes;
  • • the budget and the administrative account;
  • • the creation and management of community facilities of communal interest in the areas of pre-school and basic education, non-formal education and apprenticeships, vocational training, health, public hygiene and sanitation, road and communication infrastructures classified as communal, public transport and traffic plans, water and energy, fairs and markets, youth, sport, arts and culture, and the artisanal exploitation of the commune's mineral resources;
  • • management of areas of communal interest, in particular pollution and nuisance control, organisation of agricultural and animal health activities, land management, acquisition and disposal of assets, management of forestry, wildlife and fisheries resources;
  • • the creation and management of municipal public services;
  • • the organisation of interventions in the economic field ;
  • • the organisation of craft and tourist activities;
  • • the organisation of social promotion and protection activities;
  • • setting the rates of municipal taxes, within the ranges laid down by law;
  • • acceptance and refusal of donations, grants and legacies;
  • • leases and other agreements ;
  • • loans and loan guarantees or endorsements ;
  • • the award of grants ;
  • • equity investments ;
  • • twinning and cooperation projects with other national or foreign local authorities;
  • • staff management procedures ;
  • • the Rules of Procedure, which set out, among other things, the operating procedures of the municipal committees;
  • • municipal police regulations ;
  • • human investment projects ;
  • • The creation, abandonment or extension of cemeteries;
  • • the rules and conditions governing access to and use of water points of all kinds;
  • • the creation, demarcation and marking of cattle tracks within the municipality, with the exception of trunk roads, which are the responsibility of the State;
  • • the naming of squares, streets, complexes and municipal gardens.

ARTICLE 169 - (1) The Town Council may delegate part of its powers to the Mayor, with the exception of those mentioned in article 168 above.

(2) The corresponding decision must be the subject of a deliberation determining the scope of the delegation.

(3) On expiry of the delegation, a report is made to the Town Council.


ARTICLE 170 - (1) The Municipal Council sits at the Town Hall of the Commune or in the premises used as the Town Hall. However, the Mayor may, by way of exception, convene the Council in any appropriate premises located within the Commune, when circumstances so require. In this case, he shall inform the representative of the State and the Municipal Councillors at least seven (07) days before the date set for the session.

(2) The Municipal Council is chaired by the Mayor or, if the Mayor is unable to attend, by a Deputy Mayor in the order of precedence.

ARTICLE 171 - (1) The Municipal Council meets in ordinary session once every quarter for a maximum of seven (07) days, convened by the Mayor.

(2) During ordinary sessions, the Municipal Council may only deal with matters within its remit.

(3) If the Mayor fails to do so, and after seventy-two (72) hours' formal notice, the representative of the State signs the invitations to the Municipal Council meeting.

ARTICLE 172 - (1) The Mayor may convene an extraordinary session of the Municipal Council whenever he/she deems it useful. He is also obliged to convene it when a reasoned request is sent to him by two thirds (2/3) of its members.

(2) All notices of meeting are signed by the Mayor and specify the agenda. The Council may not deal with any business other than the said agenda.

(3) The representative of the State may ask the Mayor to convene an extraordinary session of the Municipal Council.

(4) If the default of the Mayor is noted in the cases provided for in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, after a formal notice has been served but not acted upon, the representative of the State may sign the summons required for the holding of an extraordinary session of the Municipal Council.

ARTICLE 173 - (1) The notice convening a meeting of the Municipal Council is recorded in the register of deliberations, posted at the Town Hall or at the Town Hall and sent in writing or by any means in writing to the Municipal Councillors, at least fifteen (15) clear days before the date of the meeting. In urgent cases, this period is reduced to three (03) days.

(2) In case of necessity, the notice period may be shortened to two (02) days, subject to compliance with the quorum stipulated in article 174 below.

ARTICLE 174 - (1) The Municipal Council may only validly sit when two thirds (2/3) of its members are present.

(2) If after a duly convened meeting, the quorum is not reached, any deliberation voted after the second meeting, at least three (03) days apart, is valid if at least half (1/2) of the members of the Council are present.

(3) In the event of general mobilisation, the Municipal Council may validly deliberate after a single convocation, when the majority of its non-mobilised members attend the meeting.

ARTICLE 175 - (1) Decisions are taken by a simple majority of those voting.

(2) A councillor who is unable to attend a meeting may give a colleague of his choice a legal written mandate to vote on his behalf. The same Councillor may only hold one mandate. Except in the case of illness, duly recorded, the same mandate may not be valid for more than two (02) consecutive sessions.

(3) Voting shall be by public ballot. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. The first names and surnames of those voting, together with the details of their votes, shall be recorded in the minutes.

(4) Notwithstanding paragraph 3 above, a secret ballot shall be held whenever one third (1/3) of the members present so request or when an appointment or representation is to be made. In the latter case, and after two (02) rounds of voting, if none of the candidates has obtained an absolute majority, a third round is held and the election is won by a relative majority. In the event of a tie, the oldest candidate shall be declared elected.

ARTICLE 176 - (1) During the discussion of the administrative account, the Chairman of the committee responsible for financial matters or, in his absence, a member of the said committee chairs the meeting of the Municipal Council. In this case, the Mayor may attend the discussion but must withdraw in the event of a vote.

(2) The Chairman of the meeting sends the deliberation directly to the representative of the State.

ARTICLE 177 - (1) At the beginning of each session and for the duration thereof, the Municipal Council appoints one or more of its members to supervise the work carried out by the Secretary General in his role as rapporteur.

(2) It may appoint auxiliaries from outside its membership, from among the municipal staff. These assistants attend the meetings but do not take part in the deliberations.

(3) The representative of the State or his delegate, duly authorised, attends the sessions of the Municipal Council as of right. He/she is heard whenever he/she so requests, but may neither take part in the vote nor preside over the work of the Municipal Council. His statements are recorded in the minutes.

(4) The Municipal Council may, if it deems it necessary, request authorisation from the State representative to consult State personnel during a session. It may also consult any other person in view of their expertise, following the same procedure.

ARTICLE 178 - (1) Municipal Council meetings are public. However, at the request of the Mayor or one third (1/3) of its members, the Municipal Council may deliberate in camera.

(2) The Municipal Council is required to give its opinion on individual measures and on the following matters:
• school relief ;
• free medical assistance ;
• assistance to the elderly, families, the destitute and disaster victims.

ARTICLE 179 - (1) The Chairperson is responsible for policing the session.

(2) The modalities of application of paragraph 1 above are determined in the Internal Regulations of the Municipal Council.

ARTICLE 180 (1) The minutes of the meeting are posted in extracts at the Town Hall or at the Town Hall within a maximum period of eight (08) days.

(2) Certification of the posting of the minutes is made by the Mayor and mentioned in the register of deliberations.

(3) Deliberations are recorded in date order in a register listed and initialled by the representative of the State. They are signed by all members present at the meeting. Where appropriate, a note shall be made of the reason which prevented them from signing.

ARTICLE 181 - (1) The Town Council may, during its last annual session, set up committees to study matters falling within its remit. Each committee shall include a Chairman and a Secretary.

(2) Committees may meet during and between sessions. Attendance at committee meetings is free of charge. However, the costs incurred in their operation are charged to the municipal budget.

(3) Committees are convened by the Chairman within a maximum of eight (08) days of their formation. During the first meeting, each committee appoints a Vice-Chairman, who replaces the Chairman if he is unable to attend. They may subsequently be convened at shorter notice at the request of the majority of their members.

(4) The Chairman may call upon any person, by virtue of their expertise, to take part in the work of the Committee, without the right to vote. Such participation may be remunerated by decision of the Municipal Council.

ARTICLE 182 - (1) Within the limits of available resources, the Municipal Council may set up neighbourhood or village committees within the communes.

(2) The neighbourhood or village committees referred to in paragraph 1 above are consultation frameworks that aim to encourage the participation of the population in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of Communal programmes and projects or in the supervision, management or maintenance of the works and equipment concerned.

(3) An order of the Minister in charge of local development sets the conditions for the creation, organisation and functioning of neighbourhood and village committees.

ARTICLE 183 - (1) Regional Councillors participate as of right in the work of the Municipal Council of the commune to which they are attached in an advisory capacity.

(2) The Mayor may, on his or her own initiative or at their request, invite representatives of civil society organisations or any other person to take part in the work of the Council in an advisory capacity.

ARTICLE 184 - An allowance or special benefits may be granted to State personnel entrusted with an ancillary function in the Communes, in accordance with the law.

ARTICLE 185 - (1) Deliberations of the Municipal Council granting salaries, wages, indemnities or allowances to Communal personnel, by assimilation to the personnel mentioned in article 184 above, which have the effect of creating for the said personnel a more advantageous situation than that provided for by the regulations in force, are illegal.

(2) The provisions of paragraph 1 above are applicable to decisions taken, in respect of personnel, by the public services provided by the municipalities.


ARTICLE 186 - (1) The Municipal Council may be suspended by reasoned order of the Minister responsible for local authorities in the event of:

a) the performance of acts contrary to the Constitution;
b) a threat to State security or public order;
c) a threat to the integrity of the national territory;
d) a lasting inability to function normally.

(2) The suspension provided for in paragraph 1 above may not exceed two (02) months.

ARTICLE 187 - The President of the Republic may, by decree, dissolve a Municipal Council:

a) in one of the cases provided for in article 186 above;
b) in the event of persistence or impossibility of re-establishing the situation that previously prevailed, upon expiry of the period provided for in article 186 above.

ARTICLE 188 - (1) Any duly convened member of the Municipal Council who, without a legitimate reason, fails to attend three (03) successive sessions may, after having been invited to provide explanations by the Mayor, be declared to have resigned by decision of the Minister in charge of local authorities, after consultation of the Municipal Council.

(2) The decision, a copy of which is sent to the person concerned and to the representative of the State, may be appealed before the competent court.

(3) A councillor declared to have resigned, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 above, may not stand as a candidate in the by-election or general election to the Municipal Council immediately following the date of his or her compulsory resignation.

ARTICLE 189 - (1) Any member of the Municipal Council who, without a valid excuse, has refused to carry out the duties devolved upon him/her by the laws and regulations, may be declared to have resigned by decision of the Minister in charge of local authorities, after consultation of the Municipal Council.

(2) The refusal to carry out the duties referred to in paragraph 1 above results either from a written declaration addressed to the appropriate person or made public by its author, or from persistent failure to do so after formal notice from the Minister responsible for Local Government.

(3) The corresponding decision may be appealed before the competent court.

ARTICLE 190 - Voluntary resignations are sent by registered letter to the Mayor with a copy to the representative of the State. They are final from the date of acknowledgement of receipt by the Mayor or, in the absence of such acknowledgement of receipt, within a maximum period of one (01) month from the date on which the resignation is sent again, recorded by registered letter.

ARTICLE 191 - (1) In times of war, the Municipal Council of a Commune may be suspended by decree of the President of the Republic, until the cessation of hostilities.

(2) The same decree constitutes a special delegation empowered to take the same decisions as the Municipal Council. It specifies its composition, including a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman.

ARTICLE 192 - (1) In the event of the dissolution of a Municipal Council, the resignation of all its serving members, when elections for a Municipal Council are materially impossible or when a Municipal Council cannot be constituted, a special delegation fulfils its functions.

(2) Within eight (08) days following the dissolution, the acceptance of the resignation or the declaration that it is materially impossible to organise the election of the Municipal Council, this special delegation is appointed by decree of the President of the Republic who appoints its Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

(3) The number of its members is set at three (03) in Communes where the population does not exceed fifty thousand (50,000) inhabitants. This number may be increased to seven (07) in Communes with a numerically higher population.

ARTICLE 193 - (1) The special delegation exercises the same powers as the Municipal Council.

(2) However, it may not
  • • to dispose of or exchange communal properties ;
  • • increase the budgetary headcount ;
  • • create public services;
  • • vote on loans.

ARTICLE 194 - In the event of mobilisation, when elections to the Municipal Council are postponed, the special delegation is empowered to take the same decisions as the Municipal Council.

ARTICLE 195 - (1) Whenever the Municipal Council is dissolved, or in the event of its resignation being accepted, and a special delegation is appointed, the Municipal Council is re-elected within six (06) months of the date of dissolution or last resignation.

(2) The period mentioned in paragraph 1 above may be extended by decree of the President of the Republic, for a period of six (06) months, renewable a maximum of three (03) times.

ARTICLE 196 - (1) When elections for a Municipal Council are materially impossible or when a Municipal Council cannot be constituted, and a special delegation is appointed, the latter remains in office for a renewable period of six (06) months.

(2) The reconstitution of the Municipal Council automatically terminates the special delegation.

(3) If a special delegation is formed, the Chairman shall act as Mayor and the Vice-Chairman as Deputy Mayor. Their powers end in accordance with the provisions of article 195 above.



ARTICLE 197 - (1) The Mayor and his or her Deputies constitute the Communal Executive.

(2) The Mayor is the Head of the Communal Executive. He is assisted by Deputy Mayors in the order of their election.

(3) The number of Deputy Mayors is determined as follows according to the number of Municipal Councillors:
  • • municipality with twenty-five (25) to thirty-one (31) councillors: two (02) deputy councillors;
  • • municipality with thirty-five (35) to forty-one (41) councillors: four (04) deputy councillors;
  • • commune with sixty-one (61) councillors: six (06) deputy councillors.

ARTICLE 198 - (1) When any obstacle or remoteness makes communication between the main town and a part of the Commune difficult, dangerous or temporarily impossible, a post of Special Assistant may be created there by a reasoned decision of the Town Council, subject to the prior approval of the representative of the State.

(1) The Special Assistant provided for in paragraph 1 above is elected from among the Councillors residing in that part of the Commune.

(3) The Special Assistant :
  • • performs the duties of a civil registrar ;
  • • may be responsible for enforcing police laws and regulations in this part of the Commune.

(4) The duties of a Special Deputy cease when the normal situation is restored. This cessation is recorded by a resolution of the Municipal Council.

ARTICLE 199 - (1) The first session of the Municipal Council is convened by the representative of the State, on the second Tuesday following the date of proclamation of the results of the election of the Municipal Councillors. This session is devoted to the election of the Mayor and his Deputy Mayors.

(2) The distribution of the posts of Deputy Mayor must, as far as possible, reflect the configuration of the Municipal Council.

ARTICLE 200 - (1) The Mayor is elected by uninominal majority vote in two (02) rounds. The election is won in the first round by an absolute majority of the votes cast. If an absolute majority is not obtained in the first round, a second round is held. The candidate with the relative majority of votes cast is then declared elected. In the event of a tie, the election is won by the oldest of the candidates.

(2) Following the election of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayors are elected by proportional representation on the basis of the highest average. Only ballot papers bearing a number of names equal to the number of members to be elected shall be valid.

(3) The ballots referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be secret.

(4) The composition of the Executive body shall be established by order of the Minister in charge of local authorities.

ARTICLE 201 - (1) The Mayor and his/her Deputies take an oath before the competent Court of First Instance before taking office.

(2) The wording of the oath is as follows: "I swear on my honour and undertake to serve the affairs of the municipality and the interests of all its inhabitants without discrimination or favouritism and to loyally and faithfully carry out my duties as a civil registrar in compliance with the law and in accordance with the values and principles of democracy, national unity and the integrity of the Republic >>.

ARTICLE 202 - (1) The meeting of the Municipal Council devoted to the election of the Mayor and his Deputy Mayors is chaired by the oldest member assisted by the youngest.

(2) The list of those elected is made public by the Chairman of the meeting within a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours of the results being announced, by posting at the Town Hall or at the Town Hall. Within the same timeframe, it shall be notified to the representative of the State.

ARTICLE 203 - (1) The Mayor and Deputy Mayors are elected for the same term as the Municipal Council.

(2) The election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayors may be the subject of an appeal for annulment, in accordance with the rules laid down by the legislation in force for the annulment of the election of Municipal Councillors.

(3) If the election is annulled or if, for any other reason, the Mayor or Deputy Mayors have ceased to hold office, the Council is convened to replace them within a maximum period of one (01) month.

(4) The Mayor whose election is contested remains in office until a decision has been taken which has the force of res judicata.

ARTICLE 204 - The office of Mayor is incompatible with that of Mayor:
  • • as a member of the Government or equivalent ;
  • • Deputy and Senator;
  • • Administrative Authority;
  • • Ambassador or head of a diplomatic mission;
  • • President of the Courts and Tribunals ;
  • • Chief Executive Officer or Director of a public institution or a company with public shareholding ;
  • • Secretary General of ministries and similar positions;
  • • Director of Central Administration ;
  • • Chairman of the Regional Council;
  • • a member of the forces of law and order;
  • • agent and employee of the Commune concerned ;
  • • an official of the financial authorities with knowledge of the finances or accounts of the municipality concerned.

ARTICLE 205 - (1) In the event of the death, resignation or dismissal of the Mayor or a Deputy Mayor, the Municipal Council is convened to elect a new Mayor or Deputy Mayor, within sixty (60) days of the death, resignation or dismissal.

(2) During the period provided for in paragraph 1 above, the interim Mayor is a Deputy Mayor, in order of precedence or, failing that, one of the five (05) oldest Councillors, appointed by the Municipal Council.

(3) In the event of a vacancy in the post of Deputy Mayor, the Deputy Mayors in office have a right of pre-emption over the candidates to be replaced, according to the order of precedence acquired at the previous election.


ARTICLE 206 - (1) The Mayor represents the Commune in civil and legal matters.

In this capacity, he/she is responsible under the supervision of the Municipal Council:
  • • to preserve, maintain and administer the properties and assets of the municipality and to carry out all acts to preserve these rights;
  • • managing revenue, overseeing municipal services and municipal accounts;
  • • issuing building and demolition permits, as well as planning permission;
  • • preparing and proposing the budget, authorising expenditure and prescribing the implementation of revenue;
  • • to manage communal works;
  • • overseeing the implementation of development programmes financed by the Commune or carried out with its participation;
  • • provide for measures relating to municipal roads;
  • • conclude contracts, leases and tenders for municipal works, in accordance with current regulations;
  • • to pass, in accordance with the same rules, deeds of sale, exchange, division, acceptance of gifts or bequests, acquisition or transaction, where such deeds have been authorised by the Town Council;
  • • to take, in the absence of owners or holders of hunting rights who have been given prior notice, all measures necessary for the destruction of animals declared to be harmful, in accordance with the legislation and regulations in force, and if necessary, to require residents with weapons and dogs suitable for hunting these animals, to supervise and ensure the execution of these measures and to draw up a report;
  • • to ensure the protection of the environment, to take appropriate measures to prevent or eliminate pollution and nuisance, to protect green spaces and to contribute to the embellishment of the municipality;
  • • to appoint to municipal posts and, in general, to carry out the decisions of the Municipal Council.

(2) He is the authorising officer for the Commune's budget.

ARTICLE 207 - (1) The Mayor delegates, under his supervision, by decree, part of his powers to his Deputy Mayors and, in the absence or impediment of his Deputy Mayors, to members of the Municipal Council.

(2) The delegations provided for in paragraph 1 above shall remain in force until withdrawn. However, they cease, without being expressly withdrawn, when the Mayor dies, is suspended, dismissed or declared to have resigned.

ARTICLE 208 - In the event that the particular interests of the Mayor are in opposition to those of the Commune, the Municipal Council appoints another member to represent the Commune, notably in legal proceedings or in any contractual transaction.

ARTICLE 209 - (1) The Mayor recruits, suspends and dismisses staff governed by employment legislation and collective agreements.

(2) He/she assigns and manages staff placed under his/her authority.

ARTICLE 210 - (1) A standard table of Communal posts, taking into account the respective size of the various Communes, is made enforceable by order of the Minister responsible for Local Government.

(2) The
method and rate of remuneration for Communal staff, as well as the allowances to which they may be entitled, are determined by regulation.

ARTICLE 211 - In his Commune, the Mayor is responsible, under the authority of the representative of the State, for:
the publication and enforcement of laws, regulations and general measures;
the enforcement of general security measures.

ARTICLE 212 - The Mayor and Deputy Mayors are civil registrars.

ARTICLE 213 - (1) The Communal Executive is assisted by a Town Hall Secretary General.

(2) The Secretary General, an executive with good experience in local development management, leads the municipal administration departments. Under the authority of the Mayor, to whom he/she is the main collaborator, he/she examines matters and implements decisions taken by the Mayor. To this end, he/she receives the necessary delegations of signature.

ARTICLE 214 - (1) The Minister responsible for local authorities appoints and dismisses the Secretary General of a Town Hall, on the proposal of the Mayor.

(2) The Town Hall Secretary General attends meetings of the Communal Executive and acts as its secretary.

ARTICLE 215 - (1) Acts adopted by the Mayor or the Municipal Council are immediately communicated to the State representative, who is responsible for their control.

(2) They become enforceable and are recorded on their date in a special register kept at the Town Hall.

ARTICLE 216 - (1) The Mayor is responsible, under the supervision of the representative of the State, for the municipal police and the execution of related State acts.

(2) The creation of a municipal police force is authorised by a resolution of the Municipal Council, which determines its powers, resources and operating rules.

(3) The decision referred to in paragraph 2 above is subject to the prior approval of the Minister responsible for local authorities.

ARTICLE 217 - (1) In agglomerations set up as Urban Communities, the municipal police service is provided either by officers of the Urban Community or by those of the Communes d'Arrondissement.

(2) In both cases, the services concerned may not be created without prior consultation between the Executive bodies of the Urban Community and the Communes d'Arrondissement, sanctioned by an agreement.

(3) Concordant resolutions of the Council of the Urban Community and of the Municipal Council, incorporating the provisions of the agreement referred to in paragraph 2 above, determine the level and type of intervention of the respective services of the Urban Community and of the Communes d'Arrondissement.

(4) In the event of disagreement, the municipal police service set up by the Commune d'Arrondissement shall carry out municipal police activities as of right.

ARTICLE 218 - (1) The purpose of the municipal police is to ensure good order, public safety, tranquillity, security and public health.

(2) Its duties include in particular

a) the safety and convenience of passage in the streets, quays, squares and public thoroughfares, in this case cleaning, lighting, removing congestion, demolishing or repairing buildings threatening ruin, prohibiting the displaying of anything in windows or other parts of buildings that may cause damage or noxious exhalations;

b) the method of transporting deceased persons, burials and exhumations, the maintenance of good order and decency in cemeteries, without it being permitted to make distinctions or lay down special requirements on account of the circumstances surrounding the death;
c) the inspection of equipment and/or instruments for foodstuffs sold by weight or measure, and the wholesomeness of edible foodstuffs displayed for sale;

d) prevention, by taking appropriate precautions, and intervention, by distributing the necessary aid, in the event of accidents and calamitous plagues, such as fires, floods or any other natural accident, epidemic or contagious diseases, epizootics, the implementation of emergency safety measures, assistance and recourse and, if necessary, recourse to the intervention of the representative of the State, to whom the prescribed measures are reported;

e) the necessary measures against alienated persons whose condition could compromise public morals, the safety of individuals or the conservation of property;

f) intervention to prevent or remedy any untoward occurrences that may be caused by animals running at large;

g) the demolition of buildings constructed without a building permit.

ARTICLE 219 - The powers conferred upon the Mayor in the event of serious or imminent danger do not impede the power of the representative of the State, in the administrative district where the Commune is located, to take any safety measures required by the circumstances.

ARTICLE 220 - (1) The Mayor exercises police powers with regard to road traffic within the jurisdiction of his Commune.

(2) He may, on payment of a fee fixed by deliberation, grant permits for parking or temporary storage on the public highway, on rivers, ports and river quays under the jurisdiction of the Commune and on other public places, provided that this can be done without hindering traffic on the public highway or navigation.

(3) The Mayor grants precarious and essentially revocable rights of way on public roads, in accordance with the legislation and regulations in force. The purpose of these permits is, in particular, to establish in the ground or on the public highway, networks intended for the distribution of water, electricity or telephone.

ARTICLE 221 - Wells and excavations presenting a danger to public safety, as well as unhealthy land presenting a danger to public health, must be sufficiently enclosed. The Mayor may require owners, usufructuaries, farmers or any other owners or operators, to enclose their property with a fence.

ARTICLE 222 - (1) The powers vested in the Mayor are not an obstacle to the power of the representative of the State to take, for all the communes of a district or for one or more of them, and in all cases where this has not been provided for by the municipal authorities, all measures relating to the maintenance of good order, public safety, health, security and tranquillity.

(2) The power referred to in paragraph 1 above may only be exercised by the representative of the State with regard to a single Commune after formal notice has been given to the Mayor to which no response has been received, if the Commune concerned has a police force.

ARTICLE 223 - (1) In the absence of a municipal police force, the Mayor may create a hygiene service responsible for the sanitary policing of the Commune.

(2) Municipal police officers take an oath before the competent court of first instance.

ARTICLE 224 - In matters relating to the municipal police, the Municipal Council may issue wishes and opinions, but under no circumstances may it issue injunctions to the Mayor.


ARTICLE 225 - (1) In the event of violation of the laws and regulations in force or gross misconduct, Mayors and Deputy Mayors, after having been heard or invited to provide written explanations on the facts of which they are accused, may be suspended by order of the Minister in charge of local authorities, for a period not exceeding three (03) months. After this period, they may be either rehabilitated or dismissed.

(2) The revocation provided for in paragraph 1 above shall be pronounced by decree of the President of the Republic.

(3) Reasons must be given for suspension orders and dismissal decrees.

(4) Mayors and Deputy Mayors who are dismissed or removed from office retain their status as Municipal Councillors.

ARTICLE 226 - (1) In the event of an offence against public property, an offence which may result in a criminal sanction with disqualification, proven failure or gross negligence in the performance of their duties, the Mayor and Deputy Mayors may be removed from office by decree of the President of the Republic, under the conditions set out in article 225 above.

(2) They may also, after having been heard, be removed from office by a resolution of the Municipal Council, within the framework of an extraordinary session convened by the representative of the State on his initiative or that of a majority of two thirds (2/3) of the members of the Council - This resolution automatically entails the suspension of the Mayor or his Deputy Mayors as soon as it is adopted. It is rendered enforceable by order of the Minister in charge of local authorities.

ARTICLE 227 - (1) In the event that the Mayor refuses or fails to carry out acts required of him/her by the laws and regulations in force, the Minister in charge of Local Authorities, after formal notice has been given by the representative of the State, may have them carried out automatically.

(2) In the case of a measure of inter-municipal interest, the Minister responsible for local and regional authorities, upon referral by the representative of the State, may substitute himself, under the same conditions, for the Mayors of the Communes concerned.

ARTICLE 228 - (1) The formal notice referred to in article 227 above is sent to the Mayor concerned, by any means in writing.

(2) It must indicate the deadline given to the Mayor to respond to the State representative.

(3) Where no response has been received by the end of the period provided for in paragraph 2 above, such silence shall be deemed equivalent to a refusal.

ARTICLE 229 - (1) A Mayor or Deputy Mayor who, for a reason subsequent to his or her election, no longer fulfils the conditions required to be a Mayor or Deputy Mayor or who finds himself or herself in one of the cases of incompatibility provided for by this law, must immediately cease to hold office.

(2) The Minister responsible for local authorities, on receipt of a referral from the representative of the State, enjoins the Mayor or Deputy Mayor to hand over office immediately to his or her designated replacement, without waiting for his or her successor to be installed. If the Mayor or Deputy Mayor refuses to resign, the Minister responsible for local authorities suspends him/her by order for a period that he/she determines. His or her duties are terminated by decree of the President of the Republic.

ARTICLE 230 - (1) A Mayor appointed to an office incompatible with his/her status is required to make a declaration of option within thirty (30) days. Once this period has elapsed, he/she may be asked by the Minister responsible for Local Government, on referral from the representative of the State, to relinquish one of his/her functions.

(2) In the event of refusal or within a maximum period of fifteen (15) days following the formal notice provided for in article 229 above, the Mayor is declared to have resigned by order of the Minister responsible for local authorities.

ARTICLE 231 - (1) Resignations of Mayors and Deputy Mayors are sent to the Minister in charge of local authorities by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. They are final from the date of their acceptance by the Minister responsible for local authorities or, where applicable, within a maximum period of one (01) month from the date of dispatch of a new registered letter.

(2) Mayors and Deputy Mayors who resign shall continue in office until their successors are installed.

ARTICLE 232 - The provisions of current criminal legislation are applicable to any Mayor who has deliberately resigned with a view to preventing or suspending either the administration of justice or the performance of any service whatsoever.

ARTICLE 233 - Removal from office automatically entails ineligibility for the offices of Mayor and Deputy Mayor, until the end of the term of office as from the date of publication of the decree of removal from office.

ARTICLE 234 - (1) In the event of removal from office, suspension, absence or any other impediment, the Mayor is temporarily replaced by a Deputy in the order of election and, if there is no Deputy, by a councillor from the list.

(2) In the latter case, the Municipal Council may, within a maximum period of eight (08) days, appoint a member to stand in for the Mayor.

ARTICLE 235 - (1) When the Mayor is dismissed or suspended, his or her replacement exercises the full range of his or her duties until the election of the new Mayor, which takes place within sixty (60) days of the date of dismissal or suspension.

(2) In the event of absence or impediment, the Mayor's deputy is responsible for day-to-day business. He/she may not, in particular, take the place of the Mayor in the general management of the Commune's affairs, nor alter its decisions or budget.

(3) The cases of absence or impediment provided for in paragraph 1 above may not exceed three (03) months. After this period, the representative of the State convenes the Municipal Council to replace the absent or impeded Mayor.

ARTICLE 236 - (1) In times of war, the Mayor and Councillors individually may, for reasons of public order or general interest, be suspended by decree of the President of the Republic, until the cessation of hostilities. Members of the Council so suspended shall not be replaced in number during the normal term of office.

(2) However, if this measure would reduce the number of Council members by at least one quarter (1/4), a special delegation shall be set up.

ARTICLE 237 - (1) Without this list being exhaustive, the offences listed below may give rise to the application of the provisions of article 225 above:

a) acts provided for and punishable under legislation relating to the control of authorising officers, managers and administrators of public funds;

b) use of the Commune's public funds for personal or private ends;

c) C) forgery of an authentic public document as provided for in criminal legislation;

d) bribery or corruption

e) speculation on the allocation or use of public land and other movable and immovable property of the Commune, building, subdivision or demolition permits.

(2) In the cases listed above, the administrative sanction does not preclude legal proceedings, in accordance with the legislation in force.

ARTICLE 238 - If the Mayor, Deputy Mayors, the President or members of the special delegation have committed any of the irregularities provided for by legislation relating to the control of authorising officers, managers and administrators of public funds, they are liable to prosecution before the competent authorities.

ARTICLE 239 - The Mayor, Deputy Mayors, the Chairman or members of the special delegation who have irregularly interfered in the handling of communal funds are treated as de facto accountants and may, as such, be brought before the competent courts.


ARTICLE 240 - (1) Certain urban agglomerations, by virtue of their special nature, may be established as Urban Communities by decree of the President of the Republic, who shall determine their headquarters and territorial jurisdiction.

(2) An Urban Community is a territorial collectivity made up of at least two (02) Communes.

(3) The Communes making up the Urban Community shall be known as Communes d'Arrondissement (District Communes).

(4) The Urban Community shall be known as << Ville de ... >>, immediately followed by the name of the agglomeration concerned.



ARTICLE 241. - (1) The Urban Community is competent for all actions relating to intermunicipality, major works and structural projects.

(2) Any competence or resource relating to inter-communal projects by nature or purpose, infrastructures transferred to, built or developed by the Urban Community, as well as those which, by their purpose, geographical location or symbolic or economic importance, are open to the use of the populations of several arrondissement communes, is of community interest.

(3) Are therefore the exclusive responsibility of the Urban Community:
  • • developing local tourist sites;
  • • Cleaning of national, regional and departmental roads, as well as community public spaces;
  • • monitoring and controlling the management of industrial waste;
  • • drawing up Community action plans for the environment, in particular to combat pollution and nuisance and to protect green spaces;
  • • the creation, maintenance and management of community green spaces, parks and gardens;
  • • the creation of land reserves of community interest ;
  • • the collection, removal and treatment of household waste;
  • • the creation and development of urban public spaces;
  • • urban planning, master plans and schemes for concerted development, urban renewal and reparcelling. To this end, the Urban Community gives its opinion on the draft regional development plan before it is approved;
  • • participation in the organisation and management of urban public transport;
  • • development operations of Community interest ;
  • • issuing planning certificates, subdivision permits, planning permission, building permits and demolition permits;
  • • the creation, development, maintenance, operation and management of primary and secondary roads, their ancillary facilities and equipment, including public lighting, signalling, storm drainage, safety equipment and engineering structures;
  • • the coordination of urban energy distribution, drinking water and telecommunications networks and of all those involved in the community's public road network;
  • • the creation, development, maintenance, operation and management of wastewater and stormwater treatment facilities;
  • • urban traffic and travel plans for the entire road network;
  • • Addressing and naming streets, squares and public buildings;
  • • the creation of industrial estates;
  • • the creation, maintenance and management of public cemeteries.

(4) In the event of a conflict of jurisdiction between the Urban Community and the Commune d'Arrondissement, the Mayor of the City or the Mayor of the Commune d'Arrondissement shall refer the matter to the administrative court with territorial jurisdiction.


ARTICLE 242 - The Urban Community shall operate in accordance with the rules applicable to the Commune, as provided for by this law.

ARTICLE 243- (1) The deliberative body of the Urban Community is the Community Council.

(2) The executive body of the Urban Community is made up of the Mayor of the City and the Deputy Mayors of the City.

ARTICLE 244 - (1) The Community Council is made up of the Mayors of the Communes of the Arrondissement and representatives appointed within the Communes of the Arrondissement. Its members are called Urban Community Councillors.

(2) The Community Council deliberates on all matters falling within its remit.

(3) Senators of the attached Urban Community may attend its proceedings in an advisory capacity.

ARTICLE 245 - (1) The term of office of the Community Council shall expire at the same time as that of the Municipal Councillors of the Communes of the Arrondissement.

(2) The representation of a Municipal Council on the Community Council in the event of dissolution, resignation of all its members or suspension, is ensured by five (05) members of the special delegation provided for in articles 192 to 195 above.

(3) In the event of the vacancy of a Councillor of the Urban Community due to death, resignation or any other reason, the Municipal Council of the relevant Arrondissement shall provide a replacement within a maximum period of two (02) months.

ARTICLE 246 - (1) The Mayor of the City, a Municipal Councillor of a Commune d'Arrondissement of the said Urban Community, is a local person from the Region to which the Urban Community is attached.

(2) The City Mayor and his Deputies are elected by a college made up of all the Municipal Councillors of the City's Communes d'Arrondissement. The election takes place on the third Tuesday following the date of the proclamation of the results of the election of the Borough Councillors, convened by the representative of the State in accordance with the procedures laid down in article 200 of this law.

(3) He/she shall exercise all municipal functions within the framework of the
powers devolved to the Urban Community.

ARTICLE 247 -(1) The Mayor of the City is assisted by elected Deputy Mayors.

(2) The number of Deputy Mayors is determined as follows :
  • • Urban Community with two (02) to three (03) arrondissement communes: two (02) Deputy Mayors;
  • • -Urban Community with four (04) to five (05) arrondissement communes: three (03) Deputy Mayors;
  • • Urban Community with six (06) to seven (07) arrondissement communes: four (04) Deputies;
  • • Urban Community with more than seven (07) arrondissement communes: five (05) Deputy Mayors.

(3) The distribution of the posts of Deputy Mayor must, as far as possible, reflect the configuration of the Community Council. In any event, the City Mayor and his or her Deputies may not combine their duties with those of Mayor or Deputy Mayor of a Commune d'Arrondissement, nor may they come from the same Commune d'Arrondissement.

(4) The first session of the Community Council shall be convened by the representative of the State on the fourth Tuesday following the date on which the results of the election of arrondissement municipal councillors are announced. It shall be devoted to the setting up of committees to study matters falling within its remit.

ARTICLE 248 - (1) The Mayor of the City convenes and chairs the sessions of the Community Council.

(2) He is responsible for :
  • • preparing and implementing the decisions of the Community Council;
  • • the preparation and implementation of the Community budget ;
  • • the organisation and management of Community services ;
  • • the management of the Community's resources and assets;
  • • of the Community Works Department ;
  • • representing the conurbation at official ceremonies.

ARTICLE 249 - (1) The deliberations of the Community Council are governed by the same legal system as the deliberations of the Municipal Council.

(2) Copies of such resolutions shall be sent by the Mayor of the City to the Mayors of the relevant Communes d'Arrondissement within ten (10) days of the date of their entry into force.

(3) The Mayors of the Communes d'Arrondissement are required to communicate the resolutions provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 above to their Municipal Councils at the meeting immediately following the Community Council meeting.



ARTICLE 250 - (1) The provisions of this law relating to Communes shall apply to Urban Communities and Arrondissement Communes.

(2) The Communes d'Arrondissement shall exercise all the powers transferred to the Communes by this law, with the exception of those expressly attributed to the Communauté Urbaine in article 241 above.

(3) In any event, competences of Communal interest include projects relating to the proximity and daily life of the inhabitants, infrastructures transferred to the Commune d'Arrondissement, built or developed by the Commune d'Arrondissement as well as those open, by their purpose, geographical location or symbolic importance, to the principal use of the populations of the Commune d'Arrondissement concerned.

ARTICLE 251 - (1) The Mayor of the Commune d'Arrondissement is an ex-officio member of the Community Council.

(2) In addition to the Mayor, the Municipal Council of the Arrondissement Commune shall elect from among its members ten (10) Councillors to sit on the Community Council.

(3) The election provided for in paragraph 2 above takes place at the first Council meeting immediately following the announcement of the results of the municipal elections.

ARTICLE 252 - (1) The Municipal Council of the Commune d'Arrondissement shall give its opinion whenever requested to do so by the Community Council or any other body, on matters of interest to the Commune concerned.

(2) The consultation provided for in paragraph 1 above is mandatory for any operation or project of general interest to be carried out, in whole or in part, within its territory.

ARTICLE 253 - (1) The Municipal Councils of the Communes of the Arrondissement may be convened at the request of two thirds (2/3) of the members of the said Councils or, exceptionally, of the Mayor of the Urban Community, on a specific agenda, in particular when the interests of the Community are at stake. In this case, the Mayor may inform the Municipal Councillors of the Communes d'Arrondissement thus convened.

(2) The convening provided for in paragraph 1 above is subject to the prior approval of the representative of the State, when it results from an initiative of the Town Mayor.

- (1) Except in the case of consultation as provided for in article 252 above, the Municipal Council of the Commune d'Arrondissement may not deliberate on a competence transferred to the Urban Community.

(2) In the event of consultation, the deliberations of the Municipal Council of the Arrondissement Commune may not be contrary to those of the Urban Community Council.

(3) When the Municipal Council of the Commune d'Arrondissement, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 above, adopts a resolution which is contrary to that of the Communauté Urbaine, the resolution of the Commune d'Arrondissement is null and void, except in the case of a violation of the laws in force by the Communauté Urbaine.


ARTICLE 255 - The President of the Republic may, by decree, make any Commune subject to the provisions of this Title on account of its size and level of development.

ARTICLE 256 - (1) The procedures for the devolution of the assets and liabilities of the urban agglomeration divided into Arrondissement Communes are determined by an order of the Minister in charge of Local Authorities.

(2) The order provided for in paragraph 1 above shall be published within a maximum period of three (03) months after the date of creation of the Urban Community.

ARTICLE 257 - Any creation of an inter-municipal service by the Urban Community is subject to the prior agreement of the Communes of the Arrondissement by way of concordant deliberations.

ARTICLE 258 - The provisions of this law relating to the organisation and functioning of Communes shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Commune d'Arrondissement.

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